When it comes to exploring old European cities, some of the creepiest things about them are the old statues that seem to be on every corner. They look even worse when the sun goes down. Depending on the city, it’s entirely possible that the history behind many of these statues has been lost, which really […]
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); Science is crazy — crazy cool. Almost cool enough to make us believe, some days, that magic is real. Not that it is (we don’t think), but weird science has been known to convince people otherwise. Crop circles? There’s a scientific explanation. UFO spottings? Probably weather phenomena. And, after all, clouds […]
There’s nothing quite like the English coastline. However, things like pollution and climate change are threatening the future of the fragile ecosystem. The latest, most bizarre example of which is a discovery made by residents near Poldhu Beach in Cornwall earlier this week. While not quite as upsetting as other disasters, it serves as a […]