‘Are you not listening?’ Chris Hayes wonders about Hamas’ ‘long-range plan’

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http://twitter.com/#!/NickHannula/status/489121901793406976 Chris Hayes has a question, you guys: http://twitter.com/#!/chrislhayes/status/489121224401121281 Hey, we didn’t say it was a good question. We’ve made a determination of our own: Chris isn’t very sharp. To anyone with a basic understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the answer to his question is obvious: http://twitter.com/#!/LeonLittman/status/489122754558312448 http://twitter.com/#!/Collinsdw/status/489122118001373184 http://twitter.com/#!/HotRodBlago30/status/489122178541948929 Pay attention, Chris. *** Related: ‘It […]


Maher compares Hamas to ‘crazy woman’; becomes target of lefty rage


http://twitter.com/#!/billmaher/status/489930991956262913 That’s a pretty vivid simile. It makes you wonder if he’s speaking from personal experience. He really stepped in it with a lot of his lefty fans tonight. Islamaphobia and misogyny (not directed at a conservative) in one tweet? Unacceptable. You don’t even see conservatives getting this mad at Maher. http://twitter.com/#!/magoplasma/status/489931199238791170 http://twitter.com/#!/danforthfrance/status/489931220844036096 http://twitter.com/#!/tomgara/status/489947257542688768 http://twitter.com/#!/JenKirkman/status/489939404656345089 […]