!/DebWilliams57/status/177349188894457856 Unofficial results suggest that the twerpish Ohio Representative has been ousted: Rep. Marcy Kaptur defeated fellow Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich in a redistricting-forced primary tonight, capping the Congressional career of Cleveland’s one-time “Boy Mayor” and the House’s resident peace advocate. Kaptur, the dean of the Ohio delegation, beat the two-time presidential candidate by […]!/kerpen/status/507636758431805440!/dbongino/status/507633582698160128 Email documents released today by Judicial Watch show that the IRS knew that asking for 501(c)4 donor lists was needless and improper as far back as 2012. “Such information was not needed across-the-board and not used in making the agency’s determination on exempt status,” read a May 2012 memo from the IRS Deputy Associate Chief Counsel. Additionally, a […]
Pranking others is not, by any means, a new practice. As long as the modern man has been on this earth, there have been people playing pranks on each other (probably, anyway). Here are 20 of the most famous historical hoaxes that have been pulled throughout history. Some are pretty obvious (now) that they were […]!/seanagnew/status/310414761256968192 The news that launched a thousand eye rolls (yes, we’re low-balling): They must have moved April Fools Day! RT “@breitbartnews: Obama Makes Sports Illustrated List of 50 Most Powerful People in … Sports.” — Joe Pasquini (@Joe_Pasquini) March 9, 2013 Nope, not April Fools’ Day or The Onion. Sports Illustrated actually declared President Mom […]
You probably know about genetically modified organisms (or GMOs) if you are a conscious eater. Some claim GMOs are unnatural and an abomination to wildlife. Others believe that GMOs are necessary for the advancement of science. There are benefits and downfalls to science messing with nature, but there are definitely some bizarre mutations caused by the […]!/AliNBCNews/status/218356780424630273 When is a tax increase not a tax increase? When President Obama says, “Shut up, that’s why!” Flashback to 2009: Thanks to the SCOTUS ruling, it’s more abundantly clear than ever that Obamacare is really an #ObamaTax. So much for the president’s vow that families making under $250,000 would not see a tax increase. […]
Is there anything more adorable than a puppy? The answer is yes! Two puppies are way more adorable than just one. This video of two puppies called Tutu and Juj is almost impossibly adorable. They cuddle, spoon and it is total cuteness overload, so watch it with caution. It’s sweet enough to give you diabetes. (Source: Rumble Viral) […]
You’ll think you’re bring tricked, but these photos aren’t manipulated or faked… they are 100% real. Each of these jaw-dropping scenes were captured just as they exist. A mixture of perfect timing, optical illusions and just flat-out insane nature led to this gallery being created. All I can say is: woah. 1. This isn’t a […]!/Snarky_Basterd/status/182098995248762882 The Conservatory: From the Vice President at a fundraiser in New Jersey, these quotes have come out of pool reports: You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan. Never knowing for certain. We never had more than a 48 percent probability that he was there. With all due respect […]!/PeterHambyCNN/status/237974340547796992 Peter Hamby of CNN has been in the news recently for tweeting out a link to an Obama donation page and for accusing Rep. Paul Ryan of using a racial code word when he called Florida the “breadbasket of the South.” Last month, blogger Soopermexican pointed out that Hamby tweeted the above assessment of a motion at […]