Touré on racism hurled at Stacey Dash: But, but … Trayvon!!/Toure/status/257203321868255232

MSNBC host Touré just loves how you white-hooded righties came to actress Stacey Dash’s defense.

Think you wingnutty wingnuts have the faintest clue what racism is just because Obama supporters called Dash “house negro,” “Uncle Tom” and “Oreo” after she endorsed Romney? Pfft! Only the shooting of Trayvon Martin is real proof of racism. Because the evidence clearly proves that … nah, because progressives say so, that’s why.

@toure great point! It’s a ‘win win’ for both Dash and the GOP. She gets another 15 minutes of fame and they get to cry racism.

— Chad (@Cmort5150) October 14, 2012

. @toure Folks keep talking about the backlash;I think it’s more media hype than truth. No one cares what Stacey Dash does.#controversysells

— E_Joyce (@E_Joyce) October 13, 2012

As always, conservative accusations of racism are invalid or diminished. They’re simply “crying racism.” Racism is whatever liberals say it is on any given day. And that definition never includes unhinged, race-based attacks on minorities who won’t kowtow to the liberal agenda.

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