Farewell, Brian Lamb: C-SPAN exec to retire next month

http://twitter.com/#!/PhiGamHQ/status/181503025360273408 If you have any sort of interest in U.S. politics, you will know the face and voice of Brian Lamb, the 70 year-old CEO of the C-SPAN networks. Today, he announced that he will resign as chief executive effective April 1. Brian Lamb, who created the revolutionary nonprofit cable television network C-Spanin the late […]


Rep. Gowdy grills White House over Benghazi lies; Twitterverse applauds

http://twitter.com/#!/michellemalkin/status/256114938538512384 Today the White House sent representatives to Capitol Hill to try to explain the Obama Administration’s changing story on Benghazi, Libya, and to try to put off political damage until after the election. They didn’t count on the aggressiveness of a number of House Republicans — including South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy, who turned […]


‘Retire him’: GOP Sen. Hatch’s reaction to Sebelius departure illustrates his own uselessness

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http://twitter.com/#!/MikeIsRight10/status/454565273899507713 Count GOP dinosaur Sen. Orrin Hatch among those sorry to see Kathleen Sebelius go: http://twitter.com/#!/ChadPergram/status/454404311309488128 Via Fox News: Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Orrin Hatch said Sebelius “had one of the toughest jobs in Washington” because she had to implement the law, which he said is “flawed” and continues to fall short. “While we […]


Benghazi cover-up again buried in network news broadcasts

http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/261233754578759680 “He knew” were the damning words beneath a photo of President Obama on the Drudge Report today, but despite the release of emails showing the White House knew of the nature of the terror attack in Benghazi two hours after it occurred, the major networks just couldn’t find the time to cover the cover-up. […]


Big Wind can save the U.S. Postal Service!

http://twitter.com/#!/DarrellIssa/status/195243713809760256 No, really! See, it’s totally simple! Here’s how it works: The wind blows. A lot. You with us? OK. So. We use that wind to generate electricity. We store that electricity in batteries. Like, vehicle batteries. And where does one find lots of vehicles? Why, the USPS! The USPS fleets are currently made up […]


Transparency! WH reportedly holds ‘off-the-record’ Benghazi briefing; Updated

http://twitter.com/#!/guypbenson/status/332922324741394432 As Twitchy reported, the White House pushed today’s press briefing from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. Tweeters speculated that the decision had to do with a desperate effort to cover itself in light of the damning new evidence for a Benghazi cover-up. And it looks like they were right: Most transparent Admin in history RT @dylanbyers#Break: […]


Disappointing: Obama will not send a representative to Thatcher funeral

http://twitter.com/#!/iowahawkblog/status/324147442801078273 Sigh. Sen. Bob Menendez tried — unsuccessfully, as it turned out — to block a resolution honoring the late Margaret Thatcher. But he’s not the only powerful Dem who has issues showing respect: #Menendez blocking Thatcher resolution; Obama Administration NOT sending an official envoy to her services. Petty and classless. — Scott Armstrong (@armcomm) […]


Comedian Patton Oswalt gay-baits Marcus Bachmann with vulgar tweet

http://twitter.com/#!/pattonoswalt/status/241036252105818114 Gosh, that’s clever. Original too! Why, we’ve never seen an unhinged liberal not-so-subtly gay-bait a conservative under the guise of “comedy.” Get it? Get it? Since Michele Bachmann’s husband is a devout Christian who believes homosexuality is a sin, he’s totally into male hookers. Wocka wocka wocka! @pattonoswalt Oh, LOOK! He's making a gay joke! Cuz being gay […]


Occupy fail: #NatGat speaker tries hand at humor

http://twitter.com/#!/OccupyWallSt/status/220652724889460737 Get it? Cheese? The funniest thing about that joke is that National Gathering attendees probably think it’s hilarious. They’ll be here all week, folks. Probably longer. They never do seem to leave. Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/07/04/occupy-fail-natgat-speaker-tries-hand-at-humor/


RIP music: Paris Hilton makes her DJing debut

http://twitter.com/#!/BenMeredith_/status/217635171988549633 So what, exactly, has Paris Hilton come up with this time to work her way into Twitter’s trending topics? A new reality show? Clothing line? Perfume? Sex tape? Guess again. Paris Hilton: From BJing to DJing. — Not Gary Busey (@NotGaryBusey) June 25, 2012 The socialite slipped on some jewel-encrusted headphones and made her […]