How Well Do You Know These Animal Group Names?


Collective nouns FTW!

    1. Band
    2. Congregation
    3. Pool

    1. Battery
    2. Cloud
    3. Family

    1. Coalition
    2. Drove
    3. Pride

    1. Bed
    2. Cast
    3. Colony

    1. Herd
    2. Drove
    3. Both

    1. Chain
    2. Flight
    3. Pod

    Other group names for dolphins include: herd, school, and team.

    1. Mob
    2. Pack
    3. Swarm

    1. Family
    2. Flamboyance
    3. Flock

    A group of flamingos can also be referred to as a stand.

    1. Company
    2. Lounge
    3. Tower

    Herd and corps are also accepted.

    1. Charm
    2. Dole
    3. Peep

    1. Band
    2. Chain
    3. Romp

    1. Congress
    2. Parliament
    3. Senate

    1. Company
    2. Pandemonium
    3. Both

    1. Band
    2. Clattering
    3. Rhumba

    1. Cackle
    2. Scurry
    3. Both

    Besides scurry, dray is also used when referring to a group of squirrels.

    1. Club
    2. Rafter
    3. Squad

    1. Journey
    2. Squadron
    3. Zeal

    Zebras can also be referred to as a herd.

How Well Do You Know These Animal Group Names?

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