Media, Left blame NRA for anticipated Democrat votes against Holder!/CuffyMeh/status/217972043382132736

NBC News’ Luke Russert seemed to fire up a connection between the contempt vote against Attorney General Holder and the National Rifle Association when he directed his Twitter followers to this Christian Science Monitor article.

Good piece if you want to understand the #NRA connection to #FastandFurious

— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) June 27, 2012

Wait, the NRA is going to hold lawmakers’ feet to the fire on a contempt of Congress vote? What gives?

Running underneath the to-and-fro allegations over Operation Fast and Furious – which began in 2009 when federal agents allowed guns to “walk” into Mexico in order to trace where they ended up and that came to a head when guns from the scheme were linked to the death of an American border agent – is an entirely different discussion: American gun rights.

The NRA and Rep. Darrell Issa (R) of California, chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, both believe the government has tried to use the Fast and Furious scandal to support arguments for more gun control.

It’s true; the NRA is pushing Members to vote “YES” on the contempt measure.

Call 202-225-3121 & tell your #Congressman to vote Yes on holding Holder in contempt of Congress tomorrow #NRA

— NRA (@NRA) June 27, 2012

But the Left quickly jumped to attack their favorite boogeyman and now “NRA” is trending on Twitter. The lapdog media are now trying to blame the NRA, saying the organization is “forcing” Democratic House members to vote in favor of contempt.

As if on cue, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz has now become one of the chief cheerleaders of the NRA-Holder story.

All four Dems the WAPO id'ed as voting for contempt tomorrow have taken NRA campaign donations

— Ed Schultz (@edshow) June 27, 2012

And the leftists on Twitter are following close behind:

. @DarrellIssa – You are an embarrassment to the US Congress. I hold you in contempt – along with all your NRA buddies.

— Haas (@BuckeyeVoter) June 27, 2012

The NRA is ridiculous. You're mad the Obama Administration was giving out guns. I really don't get that ish. Isn't that what you want?

— Stacey Gates Watson (@1StaceyGates) June 27, 2012

I agree with the NRA, assault weapons should not be banned until Liberals own as many as Conservatives and learn how to use them

— Arizona Democrat (@LiterateLiberal) June 27, 2012

Democratic House members are also carrying the anti-NRA water this evening.

Just heard that the NRA is scoring the Holder Contempt vote. What in the world does that have to do with 2nd Amendment rights? #truecolors

— Jim Himes (@jahimes) June 27, 2012

On #PoliticsNation @RepAdamSchiff says the NRA is making the contempt vote a political issue when it should be a sober process

— PoliticsNation (@PoliticsNation) June 27, 2012

Many conservatives on Twitter are calling a foul, thinking it simply a preemptive excuse that Democrats are using to hide behind their anticipated votes against the attorney general.

Um @rolandsmartin, you refer to NRA members as "windbags." I take it you don't understand that the 2nd amendment didn't kill Brian Terry.

— Demetrius Minor (@dminor85) June 20, 2012

It is worth noting that had the Department of Justice released all of the documents surrounding the Fast and Furious operation and its aftermath, there would be no need for a contempt vote.  The truth is what is being sought in this matter, but the media simply want to shift the blame and the NRA is a convenient target.

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